Modified Silicone – Top1 Best Dry Cleaning Solvent for Most Delicated Fabric

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Advantages of modified silicone dry cleaning solvent

  • It is environmentally friendly, as it does not contain aromatic or halogenated solvents that are harmful to the ozone layer and human health.
  • It is more effective in cleaning fabrics than traditional solvents, as it can rapidly depolymerize and dissolve cured silicone, as well as emulsify silicone oils, greases, and uncured silicone elastomers.
  • It is non-flammable, which reduces the risk of fire and explosion in dry cleaning machines.
  • It is reusable, which enhances its cost-effectiveness and reduces waste generation.

Dry Cleaning Machine using modified silicone solvent

8kg and 12kg Soft-Mounted Silicon Dry Cleaning Machine with Effective Filtration System (3) 8kg to 30kg Soft-Mounted Hydrocarbon and Alcohol Dry Cleaning Machine with Effective Filtration System (2)

More about silicone dry cleaning solvent?

Modified silicone dry cleaning solvent is composed of a mixture of organic compounds and silicon-based additives that enhance its cleaning performance and reduce its environmental impact.

Modified silicone dry-cleaning solvent has several advantages over traditional solvents, such as perchloroethylene (PERC) and hydrocarbon solvents. It has lower toxicity, lower flammability, a lower global warming potential, and a higher biodegradability.

Modified silicon dry cleaning solvent can also remove stains and odors more effectively, and preserve the color and texture of fabrics better than conventional solvents.

DOW Silicone dry cleaning solvent, pls click for more, thank you!

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